Sunday, January 4, 2009

I am so sorry!!

Sorry that I have been missing in action is this world lately. I have had my kids and my two step daughter 6 and 7 here for the past two weeks. They become "glued" the laptop and the desktop during the entire stay therefore I have been unable to attrieve my computers and aslo have not been able to keep up on the worlds events. Seems to me that I didn't miss much. Superbowl is looking to come out to a very boring game. :( The kids did lots of funny stuff but we can talk about that later. The discovery in Florida ended being little Calley. So sad but at least we know where she is now. I am very distraught about John Travolta's son that passed. Not only am I sad about him passing but even more sad about the fact that everyone is accusing the family of not doing what they should have when they know absulotely nothing about the situation except what they have read and we all know that you cannot believe the media. Anyways, my heart goes out to his family after this tragedy. People, please have some manners and let this family deal with their situation in peace.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Remains found

At 9:30 this morning the remains of a small child were found near the home of Casey Anthony's parents. I pray that it is not little Caylee but if it is at least her family can finally have some closure. I have watched this case from the very beginning and I think it is so sad that anyone could do something so terrible to that little girl.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Economy

What in the world is going on around here? Everyday on the news another company or companies are announcing hundreds and thousands of layoffs and businesses closing. I think that we need to focus on the real problem here and that is the government. Take a look around at all of the scandels unfolding and you will see the truth about what is really going on here. If we want to change what is happening in this country we need to start at the top.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Very tired!!

I am very very tired after sitting in front of this computer for hours as usual. Still researching blogging websites and trying to figure out how to make money doing this. Make sure to check out the news about myspace and google partnering. Sounds pretty interesting.

Still trying to figure out this whole blog thing.

Ok, I am still working on this whole blog thing. Hopefully I will figure out what I am doing sometime in the near future. Hang in there.

Friday, December 5, 2008

OJ Simpson

OJ Simpson....15's about time!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Steeling christmas gifts!!

Can you believe this???? A woman actually went to 3 different places claiming to be part of the Salvation Army and stole all of the gift that were donated and they have her on camera. I know that the economy is bad but are you for real? What next???????
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